2014년 12월 4일 목요일

A revolutionary treatment for your acne scarring, pore and fine wrinkles


For individuals with acne scarring, it can have significant repercussions on their self esteem and psychological well being. In fact, it can hold suffers back in achieving their goals in life with depressions.

What is INTRAcel?

INTRAcel uses fractional radio frequency combined with micro-needling to treat acne scarring, wrinkles, various skin irregularities, large pores, general rejuvenation and the reduction of stretch marks.


INTRAcell at GRAND is an innovative design that uniquely treats the target area through rapid penetration of specially designed insulated micro-needles without causing extensive damage to the epidermis (top layer of skin). Radiofrequency stimulates the skins natural regeneration process and the production of collagen. New collagen production results in an improvement in the appearance of acne scarring. 

Process of INTRAcel

INTRAcel’s insulated microneedle delivers RF energy into sebaceous gland and destroy active follicle without any damage on epidermis. After denaturation of target tissue, connective tissue is replacing damaged target and prevent to reactivate acne.

 INTRAcel Effect

To find out more about INTRAcel at Dermatological Clinic, please contact us.

TEL: (+82) 70-7119-1580

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